Rod Stryker

Rod Stryker

Rod Stryker is an author, teacher and speaker. A world-renowned meditation teacher and yoga educator, he is the founder of ParaYoga, the author of two books, including: The Four Desires and the soon-to-be-released Enlightened Sleep. He developed one of the most comprehensive online yoga programs in the world.
Rod has spent nearly 40 years sharing his study, knowledge, and experience. He has mentored hundreds of teachers and thousands of students worldwide. Rod is known for his ability to translate ancient wisdom and make life-changing practices accessible to modern audiences. He is father to four amazing souls and currently lives in Idaho.

Rod shares the gifts of his practice, discipleship and life with a wide spectrum of audiences: from those wanting practical ways to improve their wellbeing to individuals and corporations seeking to apply time-tested methods to successfully meet the ever-changing demands of modern life.  A thought-leader for how best to live with meaning, creativity, responsibility and freedom, he guides students and teachers of yoga and meditation who seek to deepen and share their understanding of the ancient wisdom and timeless practices.


Raised in Los Angeles, CA., Rod attended Beverly Hills High School and the University of Denver, in addition to studying abroad. He began his study of yoga at the age of nineteen. Called to teach early in his studies, he taught his first class in 1980 and led his first teacher training in 1987.

Following nearly two decades of studentship, Rod became the first American disciple of Kavi Yogiraj Mani Finger and Yogiraj Alan Finger to be given the title Yogiraj––master of Yoga. Since 1999, Rod has been a student of Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, Ph.D. in the tradition of Sri Vidya.

After decades of study, intensive practice and apprenticeship with these internationally renowned Yoga masters, Rod founded ParaYoga® as a resource for the time-tested wisdom of the yoga tradition. As part of ParaYoga’s Master Training program, he launched one of the most comprehensive online yoga teacher trainings in the world. 

Practice & Study with Rod:


A Short Portrait Film
by DJ Pierce

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