300-Hour ParaYoga Master Training
The 300-hour ParaYoga Master Training (PYMT) Program is an exceptional, systematic, experience-based curriculum that guides you to understanding yoga’s true potential as one of the most comprehensive, life-affirming spiritual traditions ever created.
ParaYoga is a living connection to the ancient traditions of yoga and tantra. Our mission is to serve these teachings by continuing to be a progressive resource for the transmission of the wisdom, power, and capacity that positively affect all aspects of modern life. Our unique approach is to emphasize authoritative knowledge and accessibility so that students and teachers of all levels––and society as a whole––are uplifted by yoga and tantra’s time-tested practices, leading to ultimate fulfillment and freedom. And it all starts with the ParaYoga Master Training curriculum.
Students wanting to deepen their personal practice, engage in the in-depth study of ancient wisdom, or simply for the purpose of self-discovery can move through the 300-hour ParaYoga Master Training. The full program takes most students 2-3 years to complete; many take longer, choosing to experience the 300-hour training as a journey of transformation rather than a quick route to a certificate. Over the course of the program, you will assimilate the teachings and begin to gain true depth of skill and self-mastery, both as a teacher and as a practitioner.
While the courses are designed to be taken in the order in which they are listed below, you can take them in the order that works best for you and your schedule. The only course with firm prerequisites is the final one: Guru Parampara.
Successful completion of at least the first eight courses culminates in a 300-hour Yoga Alliance certification, which, when combined with an existing 200-hour YA certification, credentials you at the YA 500-hour level.