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Lisa Powell

Level 1 ParaYoga Certified Teacher Hastings, UK

Lisa Powell has been teaching yoga since 2001. She initially trained as a Sivananda Yoga teacher and in time furthered her training with Yoga Therapy, Vinyasa Flow, Restorative Yoga, Pregnancy Yoga and Well Women Yoga before connecting with ParaYoga in 2011. 

Lisa remembers the first time the magic of yoga touched her heart and has never looked back. Lisa lives in Hastings, UK and teaches classes in person and online, hosts workshops, retreats and holidays and absolutely loves the depth that yoga has to offer her students.  Lisa loves yoga but more than that she loves to share what she’s learnt with others and her aim is for her students to have a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the world and to thrive in all areas of their lives.

Instagram: lisapowellyoga
Facebook: Lisa Powell Yoga