New Online Course! ParaYoga Nidra: A 10-Hour Immersion in Enlightened Sleep®

August 27, 2018 | News

Thousands of years ago, yogic sages went on a quest to find the truth, essence, and reality of where they came from, where they were going, and what sustained the world they lived in. They sought the answers to these questions through contemplation and meditation—including yoga nidra: the state of “sleeping with awareness.” Still today, we can benefit greatly from what they discovered.

This course, ParaYoga Nidra: A 10-Hour Immersion in Enlightened Sleep with Rod Stryker is designed to help you reap those benefits. Whether you are new to ParaYoga Nidra or not, this is an opportunity to experience the depth of the practice and expand your knowledge of the yoga tradition.

Click here to learn more!

Key course teachings include the mystery of sleep and its role in our lives, sleep-related brain science, and the four states of consciousness (dreaming, sleeping, waking, and the stage beyond that is equivalent to the highest stages of meditation or yoga nidra).

The practice of ParaYoga Nidra (enlightened sleep) has five aims: The first is healing for the mind and body. The second is related to cognition, with a primary focus on honing your intellect. Third is transformation at the level of the mind—the rational mind and even beyond—to create lasting impact. Fourth is sankalpa, which means “resolution,” and fifth is spiritual awakening—the ultimate goal of this practice.

During this course you will:

    • Do seven 20- to 30-minute ParaYoga Nidra practices and one 60-minute ParaYoga Nidra practice that will help you increase creativity, improve memory, feel restored, and bring a sense of equanimity into your life.
    • Learn about topics that support the practice of enlightened sleep including what the traditional yogic scriptures tell us about sleep, what modern science says about sleep, and the intersection of these two methodologies.
    • Do assignments that help you become more reflective and empower you to use yoga nidra to create real transformation in your life.
    • Learn how to change the methodology (practice) and the template of yoga nidra in order to achieve a specific outcome, an approach that differentiates ParaYoga Nidra from other forms of yoga nidra.
  • Review a history of yoga nidra and discover how ParaYoga Nidra came to be.

Click Here to see all Yogarupa Rod Stryker’s offerings on
Yoga International

Photo credit: @andreakillam / @yoga_international