The Four Desires: The Yoga of Fulfillment

The Four Desires – Yoga of Fulfillment guides you through a unique process to help identify your intentions, overcome self-defeating ideas and behaviors, and recognize your Soul’s purpose.

Yoga is the path to find fulfillment in not one, but two realms: the spiritual and the worldly. Your soul longs to find the peace born from merging with your source. This training is about the yoga of life, helping you to rediscover meaning and purpose. The training is interactive, challenging, and focused on connecting to the inner self that can lead you toward lasting fulfillment and freedom .

Key topics we will cover:

  • Understand the role of desire in the spiritual life
  • Clarify your missions of need, pleasure, purpose, and spirit
  • Access intuition, self-awareness, and omniscience
  • Undo the beliefs and tendencies that sabotage fulfillment
  • Learn the spiritual principles of shaping personal destiny
  • Transform through deep relaxation and new life-affirming intentions
  • Release the bondage of negative thinking as self-fulfilling prophecy
  • Use any and all life-experiences as leverage to greater freedom
  • In the 5-day version, learn how to lead others through the Four Desires process

The Four Desires: Creating a Life of Purpose, Happiness, Prosperity, and Freedom