The Sri Vidya shrine at the Himalayan Institute Khajuraho, one of the seats of our tradition, offers one of the ideal places on earth to abide in a sacred atmosphere, where you can follow in the footsteps of self-realized masters and abide in the highest bounty of yoga and tantric practice. The depths of silence unveil perception that is free from distortion, division and fear. Its crystalline clarity is also the nexus for awakening sublime joy, ultimate beauty and unbound capacity.
Yoga and Tantra train the body, mind and senses to rest in both––Shiva and Shakti––boundless peace and the awakened power of soul. Shiva (Rudra) is consciousness, singularity, pure, undiluted peace and the locus for the systematic awakening of Shakti––the divine, creative spark of infinite expression and capacity. In this retreat we dive deep into both. Through practice, self-study and ritual we establish shanta (the ultimate embodiment of peace, the guiding force of intelligence) and approach the source of creation, infinite beauty and joy, and the spark of being and becoming.
This intensive retreat is the perfect opportunity to digest and deepen the experience we will gain through Rudra Yaga group practice in Allahabad. During our week together in Khajuraho,Yogarupa will lead daily practice and/or havan (tantric ritual of sacred fire). At least once per day, he will guide asana, mudra,pranayama, meditation and contemplative techniques. In addition to these two group sessions per day, participants will have plenty of time for study and personal practice in the shrine. There will also be opportunities to receive individualized guidance from Yogarupa for dedicated personal practice during the retreat and long after.
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