Led by PY Level 3 Teacher Tricia Fiske and assisted by PY Level 2 Teacher Lisa Bertke, this training counts toward the ParaYoga Master Training program.
Vinyasa Krama means “wise progression.” It refers to the ancient and time tested principles of sequencing which are the foundation for the high art of truly skilled, compelling and powerful teaching–the essential piece that separates great yoga teachers from the rest. In this training with renowned teacher Tricia Fiske and assisted by Lisa Bertke, you’ll learn how the intersection of yoga, ayurveda and Tantra is the basis for knowing how to sequence a practice(s) in order to achieve any one of an array of desired outcomes. Explore the principles for radical efficiency and effectiveness in your teaching, how to address specific physical/mental needs of your students, how to use asana holistically, maximizing the bio-mechanics of your classes as well as how to maximize the benefits of every class you teach and/or your personal practice.
In the Vinyasa Krama training, you will learn various methodologies to create a complete practice that embodies a theme and creates an intentional result.
Please follow the links below for more information:
Topics Covered
- The physical/bio-mechanic considerations of safe and affective sequencing
- The energetic effect of all major asanas
- Orchestrating the arc of a class at the levels of mind, body, and energy
- Heightening the accessibility to more challenging poses
- The asanas and pranayama practices that support particular meditation techniques
- Practice and the gunas (the three attributes of the natural world)
- Sequencing for your ayurvedic type
- Practice and its affect on the Three Essences
- Designing a practice to suit your life and aspirations
- The art of efficiency and effectiveness
- An entirely rewritten and redesigned 150-plus page manual for Vinyasa Krama that follows the newly formatted and organized lectures point by point
Recommended Reading
The Heart of Yoga by TKV Desikachar (pp IX-140)
It is recommended that you read it before the workshop begins. For those of you interested in receiving course credit for your Level I or II Certification with ParaYoga and/or the Yoga Alliance RYT program, the reading and its corresponding book quiz is mandatory.
Note: In order to receive credit toward ParaYoga certification and Yoga Alliance RYT programs, as well as your certificate of completion for this training, you must complete a google form quiz for this book, submitting it to us within six weeks following the completion of the training. You will not receive credit for submissions after the deadline; there are no make-up assignments. The google form will be sent out by the ParaYoga office the month the training takes place and can also be found right here: https://forms.gle/2qoLSfekd8ypHHMb9
$830 with 4.5% CC fee
Daily Schedule
US Central Time Zone (CT)
9:30am – 5pm