Yogarupa returns to Samadhi to lead another powerful ParaYoga Immersion,
“The Yoga of Awakening.”
Expect asana, bandha, pranayama and much more at each session. Open to all levels.
Click here to Register Through Samadhi!
Throughout the weekend, Yogarupa will focus lectures and practices on the sacred scripture, The Yoga Taravali, which T. Krishnamacharya described as “one of the best poems on the message of yoga.” Written in the 8th century by the great sage, Shankara, the text outlines a systematic approach to scaling the heights of yoga practice. Asana, bandha, pranayama, kriya, meditation, yoga nidra––transcendence––are all described. Through discourse and practices, Yogarupa will highlight parts of the text that lead to the final culmination of Yoga.
- ParaYoga is pleased to offer a scholarship for this weekend immersion through the Black Yoga Teachers Alliance whose mission is to support the educational and professional development of black yoga teachers, establish a standard of excellence and elevate the presence of black yoga teachers in the world. Please email to request an application: the deadline for submissions is November 1st.
Click here to learn more.