Thank you for enrolling in Enlightened Sleep: Yoga Nidra Online Course. We’re glad you’ll be joining us for this experiential dive into the science of Yoga Nidra!
Please take the time to read this all the way through.
The Manual is a downloadable part of this course: You can print it out or download/view from your computer; Rod refers to the manual throughout the training.
Required Reading:
Enlightenment Without God: Mandukya Upanishad by Swami Rama
Bonus Practices:
61 Points/General Healing
31 Points
61 Points + 80 Breaths/Deep Awakening
Finishing the Course, CEU’s, Etc:
Once you have completed all sessions and submitted both the book quiz and the course quiz, please reach out to us ( and we will queue you up to receive a certificate that counts fully toward Yoga Alliance continuing education credits (40 hours total) as well as toward both our 300-hour program and our Yoga Nidra Certified Teacher program.
Privacy waiver
Finally, we use the following privacy waiver verbiage to communicate the importance of maintaining the privacy of all materials and links. This training––its links, recordings, and manual––are only for students who have registered for this training through ParaYoga.
By reading this email, you fully acknowledge that you have read and agreed with the terms of the waiver. (Please do not send back a signed copy, there is no need to do that).
If there is anything you do not agree with in relation to the disclaimer or have any questions or concerns you wish to raise, please feel free to get in touch with me. Your privacy and confidentiality with any matters you wish to raise will be fully respected and honored.
PRIVACY of Training Material: Confidentiality Clause and Agreement
I agree to not share and maintain the privacy of the teacher training material (zoom links to live online training sessions, recording links, audio, picture, video, text, print, closed, or any other digital/non-digital format) provided by ParaYoga. These materials are not to be shared at any time with any person who is not a part of the current training program in any format (print/copy/fax/email/link/audio/video/paper/or any other digital or non-digital format). As part of the breaking of this rule, I am subject to authoritative, administrative, and legal consequences.
Be Sure Our Emails Land In Your Inbox! Adding us to your contacts helps ensure communications land in your inbox and not your spam folder:
Finally, don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions during your journey with us!